Project Work and Internship: impacts on labour market and society
Our last event was on September 25 & 26, 2014 in Genova, Italy.
The PRAXIS’14 forum brought international experts, companies, student organizations, chambers of commerce, professional and employer associations, business and government representatives, students and universities together to exchange opinions, present best practices and share experiences about how project work and internship influence the labour market and society.
You were not able to join the event? Or you want to revise some presentations?
Below you can find the programme and all the presentations.
Programme & Presentations
Nuno Escuderio, ISEP, PRAXIS project coordinator (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
Plenary session
- "The City of Genova and its economic activities", Francesco Oddone, Municipality of Genova (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "University job placement as a first gate to the world of work: the good practices in Genova", Maria Maddalena Carnasciali, University of Genova (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Project Work and employability: the spin-off experience by the University of Genova", Fabio Lavagetto, University of Genova (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "School-to-work transition: youth policies in Liguria", Sergio Rossetti, Liguria Regional Authority (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Project Work and Internship experiences within the IREN Group", Daniela Milano, IREN Group (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
Round table
Session 1
- "The Higher level apprenticeship as a link between universities and the labour market", Sandra D'Agostino, ISFOL(DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Societal Challenges in the Focus of ICT Research and Innovation: opportunities for young professionals", József Györkös, University of Maribor (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "AlmaLaurea's role in helping university graduates in the job market", Giancarlo Gasperoni, AlmaLaurea/University of Bologna (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Ansaldo Energia experience with PhD, Research Fellowship and Apprenticeship for higher education", Caterina Ratto, Ansaldo Energia (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "University-industry cooperation: Ticass regional innovation hub approach", Gustavo Capannelli, TICASS (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
Session 2A
- "Quality in Higher Education and Benefits from the Internships", Ioannis Kaliakatsos, Technological Educational Institute of Crete (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Projects as stepping stones to employability in the ICT field in South West Finland", Kalliopi Skarli, Turku University of Applied Sciences (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Fostering an effective transition between education and labour", Nuno Escudeiro, ISEP (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "The recognition of acquired competencies as a measure of occupational mobility", Nicoletta Piccardo, ARSEL/Ticass(DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Curricular Elements of Work Integrated Higher Education", Johannes Haas, Fh Joanneum (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Career Forward Looking", Tereza Karpathiotaki & Giorgos Papadourakis, Technological Educational Institute of Crete(DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
Session 2B
- "Virtual internship game and student Projects in Latvia", Una Vorma, Riga Technical University (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "BANAT" Autonomous robot – Multidisciplinary project involving three faculties, companies and media", Sorin Nanu, Politehnica University of Timisoara (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Employability skills and professional competences for graduates in IT; experience of the United Kingdom", Edwin Gray, Glasgow Caledonian University (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Communication influenced by cultural differences", Tatjana Welzer, University of Maribor (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Enhancing Engineering Education through Academia Industry Cooperation at the Master’s Degree Level", F. Maciel-Barbosa, University of Porto (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "University-Enterprise cooperation for knowledge and skill requirements shared definition", Milva Carbonaro, GISIG(DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
Session 3
- "The possibilities of Virtual Mobility in international internships", Mariet Vriens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (SEE THE PRESENTATION ON PREZI.COM)
- "Establishing Student Internet Radio and Television Station on a limited budget", Jaka Polutnik, University of Maribor(DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Internship Implementation Models and Student Choices", Ilmars Slaidins, Riga Technical University (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Gaining practical experience through real-life ICT project involvement", Marko Hölbl, University of Maribor (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Internship: an added value for internationally recognised qualifications in the field of metalworking", Luca Costa, IIS Progress Srl (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
Session 4
- "Innovation and Creativity for Complex Engineering Systems – experiences of an Intensive Program", Tatjana Welzer, University of Maribor (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Innovation in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education with 3D Virtual Technologies", F. Maciel-Barbosa, University of Porto (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Virtual Worlds in Supporting the Communities of Practices", Ricardo Almeida, ISEP (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Provided Education by universities and the real enterprises needs", Lubomir Soos, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Why do we have a shortage of qualified Engineers across Europe?", Anthony Ward, University of York (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
More information & contact
If you didn't find the answer on your questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
Hosting & Organising team: MILVA CARBONARO
Programme Committee
- Prof. Dr. Nuno ESCUDEIRO
PRAXIS Coordinator, Instituto Politecnico do Porto, Portugal
- Senior Lecturer Anthony WARD
Provost Alcuin College, University of York, United Kingdom of Great Britain
- Dr.eng. Agnieszka KLUCZNIK-TORO
International Center for Entrepreneurship, Bukowice, Poland
- Msc. Milva CARBONARO
GISIG- Geographical Information Systems International Group, Genova, Italy
- Prof. Dr.Tatjana WELZER
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Slovenja
- Dr. Marko HOLBL
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Slovenja
- Prof.Dr. eng. Hubert ROTH
Chair of Automatic Control Engineering, Faculty of Natural Science and Engineering, Siegen University, Germany
Faculty of Chemistry, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
- Dr. Gregory MAKRIDES
President of European Association of ERASMUS Coordinators, Director of Research and IR, University of Cyprus
- Lect. Dr. eng. Sorin NANU
Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Romania
- Dr. Ferenc KISS
Vice_rector for Research, Budapest College of Communication and Business, Hungary
Local Committee
- Prof. Fabio LAVAGETTO
Vice-Counselor, Deputy for Research and Technology Transfer, University of Genova, Italy
University Deputy for Guidance activities and the relationships with the school world, University of Genova, Italy
- Msc. Chiara CERVINI
Human Resources Responsible, IREN Acqua Gas, Italy
- Prof. Gustavo CAPANNELLI
President, TICASS - Tecnologie innovative per il Controllo Ambientale e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile , Italy
- Msc. Nicoletta PICCARDO
Training activities coordinator, TICASS - Tecnologie innovative per il Controllo Ambientale e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, Italy
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